2024-NowFounder and CTO of Aedilic. 20233-months internship at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR). There, I implemented a model-based trajectory planner for quadcopters. I further built a framework for learning controllers for quadcopters with successful sim2real of a position controller.
2021-2023Master of Science at ETH Zurich in Robotics, Systems and Control. For my master's thesis, I worked with the ANYmal robot at the Robotic Systems Lab. There, I had the pleasure to work with Jonas Frey and Takahiro Miki on risk-sensitive distributional RL for legged locomotion. 2018-2021Bachelor of Science at TU Darmstadt in computer science. In the final year, I mostly focused on robotics and machine learning. During this time, I conducted two semester projects implementing an efficient chess move generator and AlphaZero and wrote my bachelor's thesis on Distributional RL in Monte-Carlo Tree Search under expert guidance from Carlo D'Eramo and Tuan Dam. Working student at secunet Security Networks AG, developing internal software tools.
20172-week internship at secunet Security Networks AG.
2-week internship at Media Secure GmbH, where I build a port scanner in Python and used it to analyze a VoIP system for vulnerabilities.